Our highly-anticipated 2025 Priority List "Family-Owned Businesses" has been released!


When internet searching for business information, there is a lot out there and yet, not quite enough.
What's true? What's false? -- Sorkins knows the difference.

Imagine using specific search parameters to find information that goes beyond internet browsing.
Imagine finding a level of detail that only true researchers are able to compile.
Imagine having a research department that is readily available to help.

For over 35 years Sorkins has provided comprehensive, detailed company and executive information.
Sorkins has a reputation for providing services that go beyond a business database.

Sorkins.com is a must for your business toolbox if want to:

At Sorkins, 99% of our clients become repeat customers.

Why do you think that is? Because they know - Business Knowledge is Power.

How You Can Use Sorkins

New Customers

First Rule of Marketing - Know Your Target.

Whether you need a list of potential customers or targeting one company, Sorkins is your powerhouse.

Use our many search options (company name, location, revenue, employee count, industry, executive info, and more) to create a targeted list. Then view our extensively researched business profiles to get all the additional details (company contact information, stats, history, executive names, emails, and more).

Our research staff is your research staff - need additional information, we are here to help.

Many of our clients have used our information for 40 years to gain new customers. These companies credit Sorkins with their success.

Nonprofit Donors

Those that Give - Keep Giving

Sorkins.com does not shy away from nonprofits, associations, and organizations. We embrace our fellow do-gooders, not only researching thousands of nonprofits but listing board members and thier affiliations.

Want to find companies and executives who contribute time and money? View the board members in our database and the projects they advocate.

With our extensive information on private and public companies, find incredible organizations to sponsor events, projects, and programs.

Need a friend for your cause? Find other nonprofits to partner with and create change.

Custom National Lists

Sorkins Goes National

Sorkins research staff can build a business list covering any city in the nation.

Companies that use one or two national databases miss a large segment of their target market because each database pulls their information from one limited source - the phone book, credit reports, etc.

Once Sorkins staff has your criteria, e.g., industries, locations, revenue, and more, we can compile one list using multiple national and local resources to obtain a complete picture of your targeted market. Yet, we are still more affordable than these national databases.

Research / Analysis

Good Research Begins with Reliable Information

Some of the countries top universities and business researchers use Sorkins for in-depth information and statistics. Sorkins assisted on studies including industry concentrations in a particular area, the establishment of companies over a period of time, and more.

We also provide company histories that can't be found anywhere else. Sorkins has followed business growth, expansions, and acquisitions for 40 years. Our information goes beyond the company website and internet timeline highlights.

Use our Archive Search to view closed companies or prior executive information.

More Contacts

Every CRM Needs More Contacts

If you built your CRM from any source other than Sorkins, you are missing at least 30% of the local business market.

Business and executive information is constantly changing. Sorkins.com changes with it. We add new business information daily. Whether it's a new business opening or changes to an existing business, we've got it covered.

Sorkins can add or update the companies and/or contacts (including email addresses) you are missing.

Career Moves

Getting a Job 101 - Know your Future Employer

Business knowledge is power, especially when job searching. Job seakers use Sorkins to research their potential employer or thoroughly blanket their industry of choice with resumes.

Almost weekly we hear, “I used Sorkins to get a job.” Whether it was 30 years ago when they went to the library and used Sorkins print directory or recently using Sorkins.com to download a list of companies to contact.

Some well-known business leaders started their career using Sorkins and still use it today for marketing and networking.

Sorkins has a history of working with some of the most well-known companies and educational institutions.

Research First

Sorkins started in 1984 as a book of lists, listing the top companies in each industry. The demand to be included was so overwhelming, the book grew into a directory covering the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Chicago regions -- with over a hundred researchers and reporters profiling each business.

With the age of technology, hence the birth of Sorkins.com, our information became more accessible, fluid, and targeted. All of our information can be searched and sorted using several criteria options to target companies and executives.

In 2008, Sorkins acquired Business Research Bureau, a daily lead service focusing on new and transitioning companies. This built additional relationships with local government agencies and chambers of commerce.

Today, Sorkins reputation still stands for excellence verifying information through the relationships we have built and the resources we scour. Sorkins is the only business database focused researching, reporting, and publishing company information. For decades, we have covered the business market in great detail.

Search Tools & Profiles

Sorkins is a database that can be searched and sorted to find your target companies and/or executives.
We offer various search criteria to accumulate the best information for you. By accessing our easy-to-use interface or requesting our staff's assistance, the following are examples of the several options available.

Search Options

  • Company or Executive Name
  • Company History
  • Employee Size & Sales Revenue
  • Industry or Industry codes (NAICS/SIC)
  • Geographic Location
  • Departmental Decision Makers
  • Personnel Title & Resposibility
  • Ownership Type
  • Speciality Organizations
  • Service Firms
  • Priority Lists
  • And More . . .

Detailed Information

  • Company Contact Information
  • Regional & Branch Locations
  • Financial Details
  • Employee Size
  • Company Description & History
  • Primary & Sub Industries
  • Key Executives (with email)
  • Executive Profiles
  • Board Members & their Affiliations
  • Service Firms
  • Similar Companies
  • And More . . .


You can download all business and executive information into a Excel or text file.

The Excel spreadsheet can be saved as a .CSV file, which is compatible with most CRM software.

We're the R in your R&D department. We do the research, so you can focus on the development.


"In any business, Knowledge is Power! HRMC recognizes this and has always provided our clients with the best research tools in the industry, and that has always included Sorkins. Regardless of your religion, I refer to Sorkins as the Bible of Midwest Research! As a professional career consultant, salesperson and business owner, I can sincerely say that Sorkins is one of my most valuable business tools."

J. Wolf

"Sorkins has been very helpful in developing business. Access to direct numbers, names and titles of key decision makers, and snapshot company overviews are all valuable tools to help spend time more effectively."

A. Bell

Contact Us

Phone: (314) 656-6010

Email: customerservice@sorkins.com

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